Learning difficulties are agonizing, both for those with the difficulties and for those who share life with them. Schools and parents spend much time, effort, and money for learning disability classrooms, remedial reading classes, in-class help, and tutoring. But when the investment and time seems to bring no relief and difficulties persist, an overwhelming sense of frustration and hopelessness occurs.
Traditional ways of dealing with learning difficulties involve compensation (teaching students to adapt) or accommodation (changing the learning environment to make it less demanding.) Although these methods can help in the short term, neither approach actually corrects the difficulty. It only addresses the symptoms, not the source of the problem.
Restored Hope Education Center offers hope to individuals facing learning difficulties. Learning difficulties do NOT have to be a lifelong struggle. We exist to help those experiencing learning barriers correct the problem and find permanent solutions.
Common Barriers to Learning
Learning difficulties vary just like individuals do. While there are hundreds of unique situations out there, we see common themes in many who receive treatment. We can help treat and correct many learning difficulties. Some of our most common services involve assistance with:
Reading difficulties
Math difficulties
Communication deficits
Attentional difficulties
Memory difficulties
Difficulties with organization and processing speed and efficiency
Many other factors that affect a child in the classroom
Senior adults that are losing their processing capacity because of age
If you or your child is struggling with a learning difficulty you don’t see listed, please contact us. We run an extensive set of tests to help evaluate and pinpoint signs and causes of learning barriers. We can cater a program to meet your unique needs in the event you’re facing a learning barrier preventing you or your child from finding success.
Stop guessing. Start testing. Contact Restored Hope for help with learning difficulties: (816) 254-9785